Another Pride of Rugby appearance graced the club in May and we were fortunate enough this year to be chosen as the sponsored charity for the evening. All money raised on the night was kindly donated to Bradby Club for Young People and a film showcasing Bradby and the work it does played at the event.
In addition to this we were also surprised and delighted to be awarded Rugby’s Pride Award which was presented to the Club by Councillor Emma Crane of Rugby Borough Council . This is a huge honour and a great achievement in the lead up to our centenary. We can’t thank Rugby FM, Cemex, Warwickshire CAVA, RBC and the other sponsors enough for a wonderful night of celebrations and recognising the dedication and hard work of Bradby Club for Young People.
Club Leader John Robertson, in his acceptance speech commended all the volunteers that support and enable the club to provide services and positive opportunities to young people. “The Bradby club simply wouldn’t be able to operate and offer young people services and opportunities without these selfless, hardworking and dedicated individuals. It would not have been founded in 1919 by two volunteers and it would certainly not of lasted 100 years”.
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