Project Worker / Boxing and Fitness
Darron Began attending The Bradby Club as a young person and has now been volunteering here for over 23 years. Darron has worked with and trained many young people over the years most notably through his passion for Kickboxing. He himself has had 119 fights with 88 wins, 5 draws and still holds a number of national Kickboxing titles. Adding to his huge experience Darron has various youth work certificates to his name including NVQ’s and a community sports leadership award. Darron is a very practical person and so delivers many of the woodwork and building projects that we offer here which young people very much enjoy. He has been a part of a number of residentials and challenges here including; 24hr peddle cart race, 100 mile canoe test, camping at Hind Leap Warren and even exchanges with a youth group in Rugby’s twinned town Rüsselsheim in Germany. Darron is a well-known and respected member of the community and he has seen young people grow up and whose own children now attend The Bradby Club. If you ask Darron why he does it he replies “I get to be a big kid all over again” but in reality he likes to make a difference in the lives of young people, which he has in no doubt done for many years. A word of warning, eyebrows have been known to go missing when Darron is on a residential.