Our newest Committee member, Ian Chislett, joined us with an eagerness to help and some fresh ideas of how this could be done. The Result, was Bradby’s first Virtual Marathon which Ian set up earlier in the Summer as a way for the club to recoup some of the lost income from our usual calendar of fundraising events, which we were unable to deliver due to COVID.
Local schools, churches and sports clubs were all invited to participate in any way they
could. Some ran a marathon, some walked a marathon and some just did what they could throughout the course of the week. Everyone at the Bradby Club gives a huge thank you to Ian for his initiative and ambition in setting up the event which has raised just over £6000 for the club so far.
Such a success was the Virtual Marathon, that we may even run this again next year. So if you missed out this time, don’t worry. There should be plenty more opportunities to get involved. Thank you all for taking part or sponsoring those that did.

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